I’m a STAR
I’m a STAR

I’m a STAR
NPAC’s Musical Theater Program
For the Special Needs Community
Click Here to Watch NPAC’s I’m a STAR special spotlight on NBC2 (November 2018)
The “I’m a STAR” program is NPAC’s musical theater program for the special needs community. This one-of-a-kind program allows those with developmental and physical challenges the opportunity to learn the performing arts and SHINE on STAGE!
I’m a STAR is a year round program with a fall/winter and spring semester. In the fall/winter students rehearse weekly for their I’m a STAR showcase. They train in music, dance and drama while working on group and individual acts where they showcase their hardworking on the stage to a full house! Then in the spring the focus is on training where STARS can train in a dance class to further work on their skills.
Our goal is to empower, educate and inspire our students through song, dance, acting and more. We believe that all students should be able to express themselves though the performing arts and push past any barriers. It is beneficial to their independence and self-confidence.

Naples Performing Arts Center is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization which offers I’m a Star free of charge to participants through generous community support. NPAC is currently raising money to offer year-round curriculum and performance opportunities for I’m a Star.